Republic Steel Co. #1
Youngstown, OH, 1987, 40″ x 60″ x 10″, mixed media, oil, steel, detritus on plywood
Factory Walls #2
1987, 36″ x 48″ x 8″, mixed media, oil, steel, found objects on plywood
Republic Steel Co. #2
Youngstown, OH, 1987, 60″ x 40″ x 14″, mixed media, oil, steel, detritus on plywood
Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co.,
Brier Hill Works, Youngstown OH, 1987, 40″ x 60″ x 12″, mixed media, oil, steel, detritus on plywood
Soaking Pit
1987, 22.5″ x 26.5′ x 1″, oil on steel
Factory Walls #1
1987, 36″ x 48″ x 8″, mixed media, oil, steel, found objects on plywood
United States Steel Corp.
McDonald Works, Youngstown, OH, 1987, 40″ x 60″ x 13″, mixed media, oil, steel, detritus on plywood
Pittsburgh Survey #3
Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., The Pittsburg and Aliquippa Works,
Pittsburgh, PA, 1988, 48″ x 72″ x 14″, mixed media, oil, steel, detritus on plywood
The puddler
1987, 27″ x 32″ x 1″, oil on steel
Steel Ladles
1987, 25.5″ x 22.5″ x 1″, oil on steel
Pittsburgh Survey #2
United States Steel Corp., The Homestead and National-Duquesne Works,
Pittsburgh, PA, 1988, 48″ x 72″ x 18″, mixed media, oil, steel, detritus on plywood
Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.
Jones & Laughlin Steel Co., Youngstown, OH, 1987, 40″ x 60″ x 12”, mixed media, oil, steel, detritus on plywood
In the steel mill #1
1987, 19″ x 24″ x 1″, oil on steel
Pulling the Ingot
1987, 22″ x 24 ” x 1″, oil on steel
Pittsburgh Survey #1
United States Steel Corp., The Braddock and Rankin Works, Pittsburgh, PA, 1988, 48″ x 72″ x 14″, mixed media, oil, steel, detritus on plywood
Out of this furnace
1987, 48″ x 110″ x 10″, mixed media, photographs, oil and steel on plywood